10 Facts Every New Yorker Should Know About Suicide by Jumping
1. Suicide by jumping is highly lethal, resulting in death 85% of the time.
2. Each year, around 135 people in NYC jump to their death.
3. Suicide loss survivors present higher levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and risk behavior than other bereaved individuals.
4. Suicide by jumping is 10 times more common in NYC than in the United States as a whole.
5. 24% of suicide attempts occur within 5 minutes of deciding to complete suicide. 48% occur within 10 minutes.
6. Reducing opportunities for suicide lowers suicide rates overall.
7. When access to one method of suicide is blocked, substitution of another method is rare.
8. 9 out of 10 survivors of suicide attempts do not go on to die by suicide.
9. Installation of physical barriers has been proven to significantly reduce suicides.
10. The current minimum guardrail height in the US is only 42”, roughly waist height.